Guest room with en-suite
I've paid as much attention to this guest bedroom and en-suite as I have to the rest of the house. This beautifully calming space is the perfect retreat for visitors.
The curtains have been made in Voyage Amberline Warm Grey from the Rapunzel collection, held up by Dark Oak Acanthus poles. Sheer voiles fall from the windows to allow a little privacy.
A blanket box supplied by Willow & Hall has been covered in Cotton - Quarts makes a suitable place to sit and take your shoes off.
We've painted one wall in Little Greene Paint - Dolphin and the rest in Rubine Ashes. All the ceilings throughout the house have been painted in Clay Pale and give a warm glow without the trace of yellow.
The en-suite follows the theme of greys and muted moves and is a little wonderland once entered. French linen curtains dress the window with the most beautiful blind made from fabric by Morris & Co. Pure net ceiling embroidery. This is one stunning fabric and projects a intricate glass window when the light shines through it.
Custom made wardrobes fill the space for this perfectly formed dressing area.
I've sourced soft furnishings, pictures, ornaments and mirrors to complete the look of this room.